70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services

70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services(Expired)
Bid Notification - 70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services

Opportunity Type

Bid Notification
DOIGFBO190004 - 70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services

Opportunity Identifier

Bid Notification Department of the Interior - 70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services

Customer / Agency

Department of the Interior
Bid Notification USGS NATIONAL ACQUISITION BRANCH 205 NATIONAL CENTER 12201 SUNRISE VALLEY DRIVE RESTON VA 20192 US - 70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services


Bid Notification started - 28 Jan, 2019 (about 5 years ago) - 70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services

Start Date

28 Jan, 2019 (about 5 years ago)
Bid Notification due - 28 Jan, 2019 (about 5 years ago) - 70--USGS RFI DOIGFBO190004: Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Software/Services

Due Date

13 Feb, 2019 (about 5 years ago)
From: Federal Government(Federal)
Link broken
Source site may be down or changed.
https://sam.gov/opp/5bd63fce6acb08e73b464578ec3487e6/view does not seem to be responding. We apologize for the inconvenience and reported the issue to our team.